
Friday, June 29, 2012

Starting Yet Another New Thing

I'm not sure how many different blogs I actually have. I've used blogger as well as wordpress and I just feel this is better suited for my current technical abilities.

I find it difficult to post about my life student teaching, my personal life with family or my ever changing crafting ideas. But this may become a mixture of all those things and hopefully move into an adventure all its own.

My career in education is just beginning. The new school year is beginning for most students and teachers this August and I am no exception. The only difference for me is that I'm a student teacher for yet another semester and will be entering a work force (hopefully) mid school year (January).

I'm so thankful to my husband and my children for their continued support in finding myself both spiritually and educationally. The past few years have surely been a journey, but I'm excited for what the future has in store for me!

This fall I will be student teaching under another Rodel Exemplary Teacher, someone who is my age and from TN of all places. She also is the cheerleading coach. Do you see any similarities here? Needless to say I'm EXCITED for this semester, but even more excited for what 2013 has in store for me. The big question is, will there be a place for me in a school district? Will I get a job at the end of this year. Well I'm hoping this new blogging adventure can follow me on that journey.

I've called this blog Mrs. D's Diamonds because I feel wholeheartedly that children are gems and my students hold a special place in my heart that will never be replaceable. It fits and it's blingy and it makes me excited!

So that's it for now. This is me and my journey and I'm excited to share my rollarcoaster with you all!