
Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Made It!

Since I'm so new to the world of teacher blogging, there are a lot of linkies I have yet to be part of. This makes me a little sad, but excited at the same time because I have so much to look forward to in my blogging adventure! 
One of those linkies I have yet to participate in is a Monday Made It, linked up at 4th Grade Frolics.

Today though folks, is the day! I have a couple little craftivities I would like to share!

#1 on the agenda is something I've been working on for a couple weeks...Rainbow Bookcases!! These haven't been the most fun project (mostly because it's 113 degrees in AZ), but they are turning out FABULOUS! 
I found the idea on pinterest of course...I changed it up a little, but you can click on the picture to check it out!

#2 on the agenda was a little more spur of the moment and FUN! I found this idea on pinterest as well, of course...and it will be a great little treat bag for my new students in August!
Click on this picture to check it out on Pinterest!

On a completely different note...I'm starting a new treadmill interval workout this week! I started it today making it a NEW MADE IT! :)
I'm hoping I can update you all on how for I can make it! Yayy me!
I will leave you with a makeup free picture of me, post was 98 degrees at 9am this morning when I got outside on the treadmill..FUN! Ugh!


  1. I am your first follower!! Yay!! I can't wait to see what you blog about! I love the bookshelf by the way!!

    Jen's Kinder Kids

    1. Thank you Jen! I'm excited to be in this big teacher blogging world!! :)
