
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nominated for a Liebster Award! :)

When I opened my email this morning, I found an email from Mrs. B over at Mrs. B's Best..a fifth grade blogger that I'm excited to follow! She has honored me with a nomination for the Liebster Award...this is such an incredible blogging opportunity for me.
Follow this post all the way through to learn a little about yours truly! :)

So here is how it works:
To accept the nomination I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 bloggers with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them

My Nominees:
Kaitlyn over at Second Is The Best
Stacy with Teacher's Take Out
and last but not least
(Ladies, go to the bottom of the blog post for your questions!) :)

Questions from Mrs. B:
1.  What or who inspired you to become a teacher? In high school I was a peer mentor for the special education students in my school. I grew really close to a few students with down syndrome and found my calling!
2.  What do you find most challenging about teaching? I think many teachers can attest to the fact that differentiating for 25+ kiddos at once is a challenge. Even working with students that have disabilities, each student is unique and needs individualized attention!
3.  Do you have a hobby? I have a side company called Karrington's Kreations. I enjoy making hair accessories for little ones...bows, headbands, hats...It's FUN! :)
4.  What is your favorite color? Green, it's one of sorority colors (KAPPA DELTA) is also a mega favorite...I'm a bit girly in that regard!
5.  Have you traveled to other countries?  If so, where?  If not, what country would you like to visit? I have only traveled to the Caribbean. I've been on a few cruises to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico.
6.  What is your most embarrassing teaching moment? This is a tough one, I really cannot recall. I'm one of those people who completely blocks out bad things that happen. Maybe I just haven't had enough time in the classroom to have seriously mortifying things happen!
7.  During those crazy times of the year, what/who keeps you 'grounded'? MY HUSBAND! I'm so grateful to him for helping me follow my dreams! I may drive him nuts with all my teacher shenanigans  but he's always my rock!
8.  If you could spend the day with anyone, who would it be? Abraham Lincoln...what an inspiring man!
9.  When is your birthday?  December 12, 1985
10.  What is your favorite TV show? I'm really into 'So You Think You Can Dance'..but I'm also a big 'Grey's Anatomy' fan!
11.  What is the best piece of advice you would give a new teacher? COLLABORATE! Don't expect that you have to do everything on your own. Don't reinvent the can find so many resources from your colleagues and from places like TPT. "It takes a village to raise a child."

Random Facts About Me:
1. I used to work at a water park in TN called Nashville Shores.
2. I met my husband at my mom's company cookout.
3. I miss the GREEN of TN!
4. I have two beautiful children.  One is in 2nd grade and the other a Montessori preschooler.
5. Growing up I attended family reunions regularly for my LARGE extended family!
6. I took up running this summer...I'm able to run 12 minutes/mile! (for those of you who laugh at least I'm out there!)
7. I will have my 10 year high school reunion in 2014!
8. Sparkling wine relaxes me...I like that fruity stuff!
9. I would love to go Sky Diving one day, but my husband is afraid of heights, I'd be doing it alone most likely!
10. I have a cat, but I'm a dog person at heart...I want a big (lab) and a little dog (teacup yorkie)...secretly I would be a "dog in the purse" kinda lady!
11.  I LOVE to travel!

11 Questions for my Nominees:
1. How did you know you wanted to become an educator?
2. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
3. What is your favorite classroom memory?
4. What is your favorite thing to snack on at school?
5. If you went back to school, what would you receive a degree in?
6. What did you do over summer "vacation"?
7. What is your favorite style of music?
8. What is a brand that you will not buy generic?
9. What classroom technology could you not live without?
10. Who is your biggest teaching inspiration?
11. What is your favorite school year holiday?


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so flattered! Thank you for the nomination :) :) I love that this is all done by other bloggers--can't wait to pass on the love!! Yippee! Thanks for making my day!

    (PS: Hello from a fellow Arizonan-- stay cool, its humid out today!!)


    1. Kaitlyn,
      I was actually seeking out AZ bloggers. :) I would love to participate at some point in a blogger meet up with other local people! And you're so welcome for the nomination, I'm glad I found your blog!
      (PS: I got my run in at 7:30 this morning to avoid the didn't help!)


    2. Amanda,
      I finally got around to accepting your nomination! i'm sorry--I left on vacation the same day!
      I'm sorry it took so long! I am following you now too! :) Glad you found me!
      We should definitely do a meet-up sometime--maybe once everyone gets settled in a new school year!
      I'm off the gym right now, watching a storm roll in... I guess if it rains, it will wash the sweat off me! lol


  2. Loved your post! Again congrats, fellow Liebster :)

    Mrs. B

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! Plus I see you're from Arizona! Me too!! I love when I can link up with an Arizonan. I also added you to my blog list on my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Stacy @ Teacher's Take-Out

    1. Thanks so much Stacy! I love your blog and I'm so excited to follow you as well...Linking up with AZ folks is AWESOME! We should totally have a blogger meet up at some point! :)
